Thursday, January 24, 2008

Past simple & Past continuous

When do we use the past simple..??
When you speak about past actions that took place in a certain moment.
On having narrated a sequence of past facts.

afir: when I was young i lived in barcelona.
neg: when I was young, i didn't live in barcelona.
interr: Did i live in barcelona when i was young?

When do we use the past continuous..??

To describe an activity that happened in a specific moment of the past.
To refer to a past action that was developing when it was interrupted by other one.
To refer to two actions that were developing in a simultaneous way in the past.
Past continius is formed with past simple of the verb to be + the verb principial ended in -ing.

afir: when the mother came home her husband was playing with the kids.
neg: when the mother came home her husband wasn't playing with the kids
interr: was her husband playing with the kids?


Thursday, January 10, 2008

My XMas...

the 21st of december starts the xmas,

I arrive to my house after the school, and i start to play to computer games,

the 24th, I prepare a dinner(my parents) with my uncles and my cousins in my house.

I go to sleep at half past two and i wait impatient my presents.

the 25th at half past eight, i wake up, and i see my presents,

I was very dreamer, because my present was the Wii.

I was all the day playing with my brother, and for lunch, I go to my uncles house, and the give me a present too.

the 31st I meet a parents friend and we eat the grapes, and the 1st at 3,

i went to manuel's house, and there, were sirio and juanjo too,

and we pass very well.

and for finish, the 6th at the morning I wake up for see my present, and it was the GUITAR HERO III, LEGENDS OF ROCK for the Wii.

and the 7th I return to school, and finish my chrismas.

like I can't do a video, i do a photo with all my presents.


In this planet there are many environmental problems, like the greenhouse effect, the global warming, climate change, the destruction of forests and of the Ozone Layer, etc...

And all the problems are serious, because one on one, the planet is going to be destoy.

And this is my opinion:

I think,

we have to think more times in the earth and leave to think in us,

because we buy and us more thinks that we need, and all is plubicities' fault,

because they generate a necessity, we don't need, and is useless.
I'm going to talk about the global warming:
Although greenhouse gases are created by many different human activities,
there are two principal causes of the increase in the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere, burning fossil fuels and deforestation.
It is important to remember the underlying cause of all increases in human activity is the rapidly increasing world population.
and there are some alternatives energies, like hydroelectricity or tidal power:
the water stored in reserviors created by dams has potential energy.
when it is released though the dam, it produces kinetic energy that can be used to turn turbines.
steep river valleys provide the best natural conditions for hydroelectric dams and reservois are significant sources of fresh water.
Tidal power:
tidal energy is harnessed by constructing a dam or "garrage" across a tidal basin, behind whitch tidal water can be trapped, and then released to create kinetic energy to turn tubines.
Credits: google