Monday, June 08, 2009

The Da Vinci Code

The code Gives Vinci is a mystery novel, of great commercial success, written by Dan Brown and published for the first time by Random House in 2003.

One has become best seller world-wide, with more than 80 million units sold and translated to 44 languages.

there are 4 principal ideas in this book:

1. Jesus is not God: No Christian thought that Jesus is God until emperor deified it to Constantino in the council of Nicea of the 325.

2. Jesus had like sexual companion to Maria Magdalena: Their children, carriers of their blood, are Santo Grial (king blood = sang real = Santo Grial), founders of the Merovingia dynasty in France (and ancestors of the protagonist of the novel).

3. Jesus and Maria Magdalena represented masculine-feminine duality (like Mars and Athenian, Isis and Osiris): The first followers of Jesus adored " the asylum femenino" ; this adoration to the feminine thing is hidden in the cathedrals constructed by the Templarios, in the secret Order of the Priorato de Sion - to which Leonardo Da Vinci- and in thousand secret cultural codes belonged more.

4. The evil Catholic Church invented by Constantino in the 325 persecuted to the tolerant and pacific worshippers of the feminine thing, killing million sorceresses in the Average Age and the Renaissance, destroying all the gnósticos gospels that they did not like and leaving only the four gospels that agreed to them well altered.

say that... i'm going to talk about a great novelist.

Dan Brown

Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction, best known for the 2003 bestselling novel,The Da Vinci Code. Brown's novels feature the recurring themes of crtptography, keys, symbols and codes, and have been translated into 51 languages.

Brown's novels that feature the lead character Robert Langdon also include historical themes and Christianity as recurring motifs, and as a result, have generated controversy.

Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, as he is a Christian himself, and says of his book The Da Vinci Code that it is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith".

My opinion:

this is a great book, because thriller, and is against the Catholic church.

it's interesting to see how a book that is agains the Catholics can be successfull.

i'm not going to say anything about the book of the end so i finish my valoration.


information: wikipedia

images: google


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Online Games.

The games, calls games in line also online, are those videojuegos played via Internet independent of the platform. It can would deal with games multiplayer, in which one gambles with other people or games of navigator who unload from the Web and execute in the navigator.

World of Warcraft, commonly known like WoW, is videogame of massive multiplayer roll online developed by Blizzard Entertainment available for the operating systems Windows and Mac OS X.

Is based on the history of the videogame of the series of strategy in real time Warcraft, four years after the events occurred in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the previous title of Blizzard.
The player adopts the paper of a personage who interacts with others and develops situations in a fantastic atmosphere, of form similar to a roll game. He consists of two expansions: The Burning Crusade, sent the 16 of January of the 2007.

The 3 of August of 2007, during the event BlizzCon 2007, Blizzard announced a new Wrath expansion of the Lich King, that already is available from the 13 of November of 2008 revisions of patches, quite frequent, also add new contents.

Kind of Characters:


The personage hand-to-hand par excellence, his main roll is to protect her/his college of the damage that other monsters or personages can cause to them giving to her the attack of the monsters and taking aggro.


Azeroth is the home of an ample variety of beasts, some are friendly, others are ferocious and aggressive, but all has a thing common.

Each creature shares a special connection with the Hunters, who rake, domesticates and kills all type of beasts and creatures that live in wild state. They are used mainly as DPS and normally fight at a distance helped by the mascot that you have domesticated.


Trained in disappearing of the view, the Rogues of Azeroth acts more comfortable in background.
Changing the events to its favor, striking only when the advantage is great: Here it is where the Rogues shines with own light. With its slick tricks, physical abilities, and masters in the concealment and the disguise.

Its main quality is to hide themselves and to attack by the back with a set of lethal stands for casks that ended the enemy before he can realize.

And there are a lot of kinds of characters like the Paladins, Druids, Mages, Shamans, Priests, Warlocks and the Death knights
Credits: wikipedia --> Information.
Google images --> Images.
WorldOfWarcraft --> Information.