Sunday, December 02, 2007

Now, we ae in the entrance hall.
this is the dinning room.
and this is the living room, the bathroom and the kitchen.
Now we are going to go up.
this is my parent's bedroom and his bathroom.
this is the guest room.
this is carles bedroom and my bedroom
with the computer.
and does it. goodbye, and thaks for watch.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The barça’s incorporations

Henry: he arrive from the arsenal where he score 34 goals by temporated.

Now he has a rescision “clausula” of a hundred twenty millions of Euros.

He gonna be here the next 4 temporates.

Abidal: Eric abidal arrive from the olimpic the lyon and is a very good player for the team.

Gabi milito: is a excelent player and it was a little bit expensive, and I think, this is not the best “fichaje”.

the greats fires in croatia.

In croatia,
There were some of the most complicates fires because is too dificoult to access to the highways.

During the fire of croatia, they have to set off mine anti-person of the war of the Balkan mountains.

In this terroriffic fire was died 20 people
Credits: eL paiS

My summer.

I was in Barcelona, in benicassim and in Andorra.

In barcelona i was 3 days in a very good camping.
The 1st day I went to the beach and to visite the city.
The 2nd day I went to Portaventura, and it was very nice because there are news atractions and I try to be in all.
The 3rd day i went to the “camp nou” and see the “Sagrada familia”

In benicassim I only go to the beach because it’s in front of my camping.
It was very funny because my brother every time is in the floor or diving.

In andorra i was in a “Apartahotel” with a lovely view.
I went to do some excursions to the mountains and I buy my Nintendo Ds lite.


in 25th of august the sevilla’s football player was died
he died of a heart attack.

All the spanish football was stop for the terrible new, and his colleagues were 1 minute in silence in memorie of ANTONIO PUERTA.

And in all the matches, in 16th minute the keens of the stadium were in silence.

CreDiTs: eL paiS

eL mundO

ImaGes..: GoogLe iMageS

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Birmanian's problems

more than 70 thousand people returned to mobilized itself today against the military regiment that has been governing for years the country.

The security forces stopped several buddhis monks and made several firings to disperse to the demostrators.

one man was wounded, but they say the fire was not to the crowd.

The EEUU's president say that he going to put new punishment to the military lifestyle.

The americans and europeans are very disappointed with the birmanian's situation.
cReDiTs: el pais

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The Sahara is the biggest desert of the world, and is the world’s largest hot desert, with 9.065.000 km² of surface. Is localizated in North Africa.

The problem in the sahara, is that much contries say that sahara is theirs, and others say the opposite.. Marruecos says that sahara is theirs, but Spain says it too.

The Sahara desert has one of the harshest climates in the world. It has many strong winds that blow from the north-east.

Daytime temperatures can be 58 °C, but freezing temperatures aren't uncommon at night, reaching as low as -6 ºC

Credits: Wikipedia

Images: google

Retrieved at: 1/6/07

Monday, June 04, 2007


Podcast is a digital audio file, that it is placed in Internet to be able to hear it from any part, in the Podcast they are like Blog's in which instead of writing it is spoken, some even do them as if outside a program of radio,putting music.

Another advantage of the Podcast is that they are possible to be listened in any place with no need to have cover.

Also there is Podcast of video.

There is Podcasts on many subjects, like for example comics or radio transmissions.
CreDitS: wikipedia.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


It's the second film of Kevin Smith.

History begins when T.S. and their better Brodie friend are rejected by their girlfriends.

Brodie, an enthusiastic one of cómics and with a fixation by the sexuality of the personages of comics, decides that the best form to live new soltería, as much own as the one of its friend T.S. Quint, is the one to spend the day giving returned in the comerial center.

Brodie also suffers because, her girlfriend, Rene Mosier complaint by the treatment that she gives him, and leaves by Shannon Hamilton the employee it of the store of horsemen of mall, with a bad fame to have sex with the women whom it little seduces in comfortable places ("like the back seat of a Volkswagen").

it has appear freakys, jay and bob quiet, that tried to sabotage the program of svenning, or a fat person that also do not see a three-dimensional sailboat, that everybody can see, or a vidente with 3 nipples or one superequipped quinceañera that makes an investigation on sex with its own body and the scriptwriter and creator of the personages of Marvel in his first times Stan Lee.

My opinion:

It's a fantastic film, and if you are going to see it, I hope that you like it because it's very funy, and I laugh a lot watching it.

-Shannen Doherty ... Rene Mosier

-Jeremy London ... T.S. Quint

-Jason Lee ... Brodie Bruce

-Kevin Smith... Silent Bob

-Claire Forlani... Brandi Svenning

-Ben Affleck ... Shannon Hamilton

-Jason Mewes ... Jay

-Ethan Suplee ... Willam Black

-Michael Rooker... Mr. Jared Svenning

-Joey Lauren Adams... Gwen Turner


Bullyng, or school harassment is the physical or psychological mistreatment to someone.The school harassment divides in five categories:

1- Direct harassment: it is the form commonest between the children. Physical fights and aggressions.

2-Verbals: such as insults, motes, speak badly of somebody, rumors...

3-Psychological: threats to obtain something of the victim, and to exert power on the he or she.

4-Physical aggressions: fights, beatings, , small thefts...

5-Social isolation: marginalizing, ignoring its presence and not counting with he or she in the class activities.

I think it's very bad and we haven't to do and fomented it, because the personal afectation no is only 1 week o like this, this is for all your live, and we have to finish this.


Capital: Madrid

Spain presents one of the greatest rates of immigration of the world, and is, the second country of the WORLD that most immigrants receives. On 2006, 9.27% of the Spanish population were foreigner people.

The National anthem of Spain is one of the few hymns of the world that have music but no words.

Spain is the country of the world with more monuments considerated as Patrimony of the Humanity.

Spain is the second country of the world that receives more foreign tourists, according to data of the World-wide Organization of Tourism, only behind France, and has a quota of 7% of the world-wide tourism, above the United States and Italy.

Credits: Wikipedia

retieved at : 25/5/07

Monday, March 26, 2007

The french change

my class and me, 2 weeks ago, we do a change.
26 franceses came to spain for 1 week.
they arrive in thursday 8 and the return to french thursday 15.

Thursday, the first day,they come at 7:00 of the evening .We hoped them with a big poster and we prepare a traca, after we made a supper in the school with all the parents.

Friday, we went to see an exposition about the Ninot and later we visited the Oceanografic.

Saturday, A lot of people with his/her corresponsales dinner in a eliana's restaurant.
and we throw bangers.

Sunday, we meet in L'Eliana for throw bangers and to turn L'Eliana.

Monday, with the school, all the class, we go to the Albufera, but the climb was "inestable" and almost rain, and we didn't go for a boat walk.

Tusday, we stay in the school, and the freench and the spanish people do workshop tipical of the Fallas.

Wednesday, we go to valencia city center to see all the fallas and the mascletá.
The french "alucinaron", because the fallas are very big.

Thursday, we made the activities of the semana D(tipical week in my school)
because to 3:00 the French went to France and finish this wonderful week

It was very interesting because i learned a lot of french and a meet people,
and I've "ganas" to go here.

No Credits...xD!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards.It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day.

From century XIX the produced postal interchange was introduced massively. To this practice giving was added another type of gifts like roses and chocolates, normally given to the women by the men.
By: aDrI/PeRiS
cReDiTs: wikipedia

...BusH VisiT eStOniA...

The 28 of November, George W Bush visited Estonia like test of the relations with the Baltic,
It was the first time that Bush visited Estonia.

to support the advance of freedom and to strengthen the NATO alliance

The President will have a bilateral program in Tallinn, Estonia on November 28, 2006, including meetings with the President and Prime Minister of Estonia

In addition to the Summit events, President Bush will have bilateral meetings with the President of Latvia and the NATO Secretary General.

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3D is a virtual world created by Are Linden Lab and founded by Philip Rosedale. It is a world that is distributed in an ample network of servants and that can be played through Internet.
The 18 of October of 2006, Second Life reached the million user accounts, and The 6 of February of 2007, the official Web site of Are linden reports more than 3.300.000 "residents".
It also exists a version for teenagers, Teen Second Life to allow the access to players of between 13 and 17 years
Second Life is one of several virtual worlds inspired by the novel of Science fiction "Snow Crash",
It's a game like "los sims" and is very interesting because in the game you can meet people, and happen a good short while.
By: aDrI/PeRiS
CreDitS: wikipedia

Monday, February 12, 2007

Eta's explision in Barajas

ETA load a bomb with at least 200 kilos of explosive, two disappeared and four hurt were the consequence of the bomb at the T-4.
It is the greater load used by the terrorist band in an attack in the last fifteen years.
The explosion has taken place at 9:00 o'clock.
The mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, has said that the firemen had communicated to him who are "materially impossible" to accede to the plants of the parking where it has happened the explosion,
I think that, this it was going to happen, because, if the eta band take 15 years killing to the people.
By: aDrI/PeRiS
Credits: El pais

free entry

The last year(2006) The F.C. Barcelona wins the UEFA champions ligue and the spanish ligue.

this year f.c.Barcelona it's the first in the clasification with 46 points...

the second is the Sevilla with 43 points.

I think that the "Barça" it's going to win the spanish ligue, because now, it's recuperated eto'o and messi. if without they "Barça" it's the lider, with they we going to win all!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

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The sun sends ultraviolet rays, hit the earth and bounces, later hit with a "capa" and hit another time the earth and it sobrewarms up. -->-->-->-->

this is in 90% the fault of the human, because we contaminated too much, and this can't follow "thus".

The experts scientists says: if we don't stop now to contaminated, the earth temperatur it increased 5 degrees in the next 50 years, the polar helmets going to defrost in short time.