Thursday, November 30, 2006

MAGIC the GatHerInG or MTG

Magic is a very interesting game with cards --->
each player have got 20 lifes and you have to take each lives.
This card is the most expensive... coast 1.400 euros-->
I play magic 2 or 3 years ago and I like it a lot, I play with my frinds almost all the days.
we change us cards for obtain all the cards we like.
My "librery" is of bests... is very potent but is slow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In the early 1960s, the united states was afraid of a nuclear war vs soviet union.
In 1964, paul baran had an idea for a computer communications network with no central authority.
The ARPANET network was created in 1969. e-mail soon became arpanet`s most popular feature.
The first mailing list was SF-Lovers, for science fiction fans.
In 1989, arpanet was replaced by a faster version called "Internet protocol" or Internet.
Internet had 300,00 horst and more than 4 million users, In 1996, it had 10 million users. every day there are 15 new sites and 2,000 more users

E- twinning
is a europe project when the people talk for meet people.
I'm doing it, it's very intresting. I make video conferences and a write an e-mail every month.
credits: I find information in google, and to my experince.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Republic of Estonia is located in the northeast of Europe and comprises of European Unio'n (UE). It is contiguous with the Baltic Sea to the west, the Gulf from Finland to the north, the state the Baltic Sea from Latvia to the south and Russia to the east.
It has more than 1,500 lakes, greater of which they are the Peipsi (the quarter of Europe by its size) and the Vorts. The forests constitute 38% of the territory; the greater elevation is the mountain Suur Muna Magi (317 m.s on the level of the sea). The climate is tempered, with average temperatures of 28º C in summer and around -5º C in winter. The coast on the Baltic Sea counts on 1,240 km of extension and several fiords

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In medieval times this was called "All Hallows Eve". Hallow is an old word meaning "holy" and "e´en" is Scottish for " evening".
October 31st is the day before the Feast of All Saints and was originally the eve of the new year in both Celtic (the Feast of the Death) and Anglo-Saxon times. The Celts lived in the British Isles during ancient times. They were pagans. They believe in the gods of nature.
In The USA young children go from house to house demanding "Trick or treat" Now Halloween is one of the biggest festivities in The United States. The date is on every American calendar.